let's talk about sex.
the national
Watch this. It is one of my very favorite things ever. The National, Start a War
By going here you can find more of these type of impromptu performances that are absolutely amazing including Arcade Fire, St. Vincent, Vampire Weekend, Sufjan Stevens, Of Montreal, and the Handsome Furs.
I'm all about it. Thank you Vincent Moon for being sweet as hell.
the rock experience
A rock station combining old and new. Classics and locals. While K rock (92.3) and Q104 have strong places in my heart, I ventured outside my circle. I tuned in today; Rxp followed me today on my errands and my experience was little short of fantastic. What I appreciated the most about it is minimal mumbo jumbo. Yes, those are technical terms. Stop talking about crap and just play the music, and they do. Besides some inside info on a side project from Green Day, or a release from Tom Petty's band before the heartbreakers there was not much interuption, but hey if that is what your talking about I'll take it.
What are they playing you ask? A combination of old and new. From 2 to 4 on Wednesday afternoon, windows down, sun shining I had the pleasure of hearing Foo Fighters, U2, The Bravery, Jimmy Hendrix, Coldplay,and Sheryl Crow. That alone shows the variety, yet rock roots of the station. Bryan Shock, music director of the station makes phenomenal decisions and leads you through the afternoon without annoyance,(which is soemthing some radio dj's need to work on).
I am pro 101.9, but of course will never hate one 92.3 or 104.3. I must say if you didn't already, (and I may be slow on times), but this should be saved in your favorites.
Support. Appreciate.
apologies are necessary.

what to read what to read!
You type in your last read, or your favorite read and it comes up with a bunch of choices for your next book. I think its great and pretty sweet, although I didn't go buy the book yet. I will let you know how it goes.

also: lets give our very own jessi some love as she finishes some presentations for school. boo to homework. yay for fun. see you soon jessi! keep on truckin!
the week will begin...
I often feel artists need to constantly motivate themselves, for there are never any promises. There is no promotion to look for, no raise in pay, and no definite answers. We do things for ourselves and others. I train my body for the that one moment I will be on stage. Others are constantly creating art for that one piece that will finally make them happy. "Regular people" (as I like to call them) cannot possible comprehend the will power and constant struggles we go through. Struggles facing a life of comfort and money as opposed to the life of doing what makes us happy.
We constantly are looking for inspirations whether we go to find them, or they find us.

I leave you here with one of the most amazing pieces I have ever seen, please enjoy
portraits, portraits galore!

I introduce The Ones We Love.
Some of the photography is pretty amazing, with a million faces. My favorite, photos of faces. There are digital, polaroid, 35 mm and I'm sure a bunch others. With just a few peeps around this sight it will inspire you to create your own Loved one projects, it did for me. I am still thinking about places and people constantly, who I would want to shoot, where I want to shoot. I plan on beginning once it gets warm out. I hate winter, and winter pictures. The world should just hibernate until at least 65 degrees, but anyway. Portraits are my favorite. Portraits are awsome, and this here is portraits galore.
let's read this!

screw saving today, i say
I'm nothin but endless miles.

Knowledgeable tid bit for the day?
Sundowner is actually: "Sundowners syndrome can also be considered a mood disorder or even a sleep disorder. Sufferers experience periods of extreme agitation and confusion during the late afternoon or early evening hours, leading to irritability towards caregivers or hospital staff. It was once believed that sundowners syndrome was a result of missed day/night light cues, hence the sudden onset at sundown."
Thank you wisegeek.com!
Have a good day.
I have off on Friday which I am most excited about. Calls for a ballet class!
Into the Wild.

my girl bets.

you can scope the rest of the fall '08 collection here: http://www.betseyjohnson.com/collection_fall08/index.html
what do you guys think?
Cheers to Vampire Weekend

the time has come for music and love.

college fashion awareness

peep it
appreciate it
art for a cause is always sweet

congratulations to neil doshi for the win.
and also we should all shop around quite life for sweet tshirts, sweatshirts,and bags. and to peep their camera club
congrats to our pals!
your life through the eyes of an artist.
i receive a daily e-newsletter from Daily Candy, the offshooot of the New Yorker which report on the latest in, as they say, "fashion food and fun" in a geographic area of choice. I am subscribed to the New York edition.
in today's newsletter was a story about a very interesting project. it is the brainchild of Brooklyn photographer, Methodizaz. What you do is tell him your weekly schedule, exactly on what street and at what time you can be found on a daily basis (en route to work, school, etc.) and he will photograph you, while disguised.

live your biggest dream out loud.
Dance on the ceiling
Get up, Get up
Boy you must be dreaming
Rock on young savior
Don't give up your hopes

Today has been a hell of a roller coaster.
But, one thing really raised my spirits today.
And I find it necessary to share it with you guys.
You never know whose moods you can uplift and whose lives you can affect in simple ways.
So here’s my have at it.
Sitting at work today, my boss told me that she usually would not do this but she found it necessary to read to me the inspirational, spiritual quote that she receives daily via e-mail from some, as she described it, “celebrity preacher.” . . .Who really knows, but just the fact that she found it necessary to have me hear it, intrigued me.
She read me a verse from Matthew 7:7-8. Now, you do not have to be Catholic, you do not have to believe in God, the disciples or even the Bible in order to be able to appreciate the verse you are about to read:
Ask and it will be given to you;
Seek and you will find;
Knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives;
He who seeks finds;
And to him who knocks,
The door will be opened.
Maybe you have heard this verse before. I hadn’t. And while I found it motivating and deep, I had to ask my boss why she thought that I had to hear it.
She told me the following: I am too humble, I am too passive. She can tell that my dreams and aspirations are huge, but I am too scared to let them out. I am too scared to demand things of people. Too scared to tell people this is what I want, and I want it now.
To say that this opened my eyes would be putting it very lightly.
The thing is, so many people are held back by a lack of self-confidence and a belief in their abilities, that they make things that are in their reach seem miles away. I am writing this post because I know that I am not the only one who was raised to be respectful and humble and, therefore, too scared to demand anything out of anyone. There is no such thing as pushing too far; someone will always be there to slow you down. However, if you do not push enough, no one can fix it.
I know that this made me experience a huge sense of positivity.
Maybe it has had a positive affect on your outlook of your future, or even just your day.
So today, promise yourself that tomorrow you will make your dreams, hopes, goals, and aspirations a priority. Never stop pushing.
I hope you all achieve your goals, in one way or another.
There is no such thing as a dream that is too big.
wrinkles await us all
as i have some time on my hands i took a gander, and read the photo article and learned about the man in a thong, and i really appreciated how happy he was with his life. lets all take a look. the photos are really good. if anything you will learn that you should be proud of your life. as long as your happy, you will live to be 100. i really believe it.
the photos of aunt alga are my favorite...i guess they sort of leave me speechless since i sit here and i cant find much to say about them, but i cant get the images out of my mind.
sleep through static, or heavy winds...
new threads.
i truly enjoyed reading their self-description
quite interesting and respectable
scope it folks:
For we are the dreamers of dreams and the singers of songs,
The fighters of freedom and the lovers of life.
We are the makers of music and the writers of words,
The libertarians of love and the conveyors of compassion.
We are the messengers of metaphysics and the prophets of peace,
The blood of our brothers and sisters of struggle.
We are the favourites of fortune and the governors of good,
The emancipators of emotion and the harbingers of hope.
We are the angels of anima and the revolutionaries of our rights,
The power of the people and the voice of victory.
We are the near future.
We are the new culture.
We are the Soul-diers.
We are ONE.
a dab of inspiration.

Holden Caulfield

friends and things
emily here...dancer, teacher, liver, lover.
Peep my photos http://flickr.com/photos/emilyjac
tell me your thoughts..