is always good for inspiration. by far my most favorite man to listen to speak, watch dance, and admire how he creates. here's to a little inspiration on a monday night...
a daily look into the lives of a couple of friends who appreciate all things trendy, different, creative, unique, and fun. this page is a reflection on our taste in anything and everything that exists in the art world. from fashion to dance to photography to music and everything in between.
is always good for inspiration. by far my most favorite man to listen to speak, watch dance, and admire how he creates. here's to a little inspiration on a monday night...
Jessica and I are so pro this. After a ride down to Delaware in lots of Friday night traffic, this song saved our day. Beyonce is the junk yo. holla
what a cute bostonian! send us more pics!
The weather calls for music, a book, and perhaps a cup of tea.
My music is Cat Power.
My book is a delightful novel.
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audry Niffenegger
I just started it. I will let you know how it goes. I feel like a good old story.
Ending. I leave you with this...
and one more for good luck! good evening pull those covers tight folks...
and i would say cuddle if you can.