
don't be stupid like me

I went to the beach last Saturday and experienced something I thought could never happen to me. Sunburned lips. Laugh my friends but it hurts like you would not believe. I could not eat without using a fork to insert the food past my lips, cause well if they touched my lips it would sting for about 10 minutes. If it has happened to you, I'm sorry. Sucks so bad. I am stubborn and think that I can't get burned and I especially never thought SPF for your lips was necessary. However, I found something very wonderful today on style.com. It is called The Balm - BalmShelter Lip Gloss.

I myself am not a chapstick kind of girl. I appreciate my gloss. This balm comes in 12 neutral colors and is SPF 17! 17! That's a lot of SPF. It is available at Sephora for $18 and I think that I will be making this purchase. I never wish burned lips upon anyone.

I am reccommeding all you girls make this purchase. I know my best friends love their gloss.

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